Während alle Welt auf die ...

Während alle Welt auf die Ukraine schaut, verleibt sich Russland langsam aber sicher Belarus ein. Russische Soldaten sind schon lange dort, jetzt auch bald russische Atomwaffen. Wer glaubt, ein Sieg in der Ukraine wird verhindern, dass Russland an der polnischen Grenze steht wird enttäuscht werden. Und dann sind die baltischen Staaten dran um Kaliningrad wieder direkt an das russische Großreich anzubinden. Das ist die Landkartenpolitik des Größenwahnsinnigen im Kreml.

“A recently leaked document purportedly detailing Russian plans to absorb neighboring Belarus now provides further insight into the imperial ambitions that are also driving the invasion of Ukraine.

Allegedly produced by Putin’s Presidential Administration with input from the Russian intelligence services and armed forces, the 17-page internal strategy paper was made public in early 2023 by an international consortium of journalists. It serves as a comprehensive guide to the unofficial annexation of Belarus via a combination of economic, military, political, and social measures, with the objective of full absorption into a so-called “Union State” with Russia by 2030.”

“While his approach to each country may currently differ in the details, Putin clearly aims to bring both Ukrainian and Belarusian independence to an end, and has placed these imperial ambitions at the heart of his entire reign. This makes a mockery of calls for a compromise with the Kremlin. Instead, Western leaders must recognize that peace in Europe will remain elusive until the Russian dictator is forced to abandon his dreams of empire.”



Putin’s plan for a new Russian Empire includes both Ukraine and Belarus

A leaked document detailing Russia’s plans to absorb Belarus highlights the scale of Vladimir Putin’s imperial ambitions and provides insights into the true objectives behind the invasion of Ukraine, writes Taras Kuzio.

