"Although adenoviruses typically cause mild ...

“Although adenoviruses typically cause mild colds, they can rarely kill people, and immunocompromised people who receive a vaccine that inadvertently contains RCAs could be at particular risk.” … “In one of the clips, Anvisa officials ask Gamaleya representatives why they had not changed their production methods once they “had detected the RCA occurrence in your production.” The Gamaleya representatives responded that they were aware of the risk, but that changing the process “would take too much time.”” … ““So, the word that sums up the visit to Russia is frustration,” Anvisa Director Alex Machado Campos said during the Monday discussion on the import vote, according to a video of the event.”

Russlands Gamaleya Institut möchte Sputnik V nicht sicherer machen, da das zuviel Zeit kostet? Dann dürfen sie sich auch nicht wundern, wenn keiner Sputnik V haben will.


