Wer glaubt die Vorgänge in ...

Wer glaubt die Vorgänge in Russland könnten uns egal sein, der täuscht sich. Ich zitiere hier mal aus einem Review des Buches “Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West”:

“One former member of the Red Army Faction—the West German terrorist organization, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang, that killed dozens of people during its heyday—told Belton that one of its most notorious final actions was planned with the help of the KGB and the Stasi in Dresden. In late November 1989, Alfred Herrhausen, the chairman of Deutsche Bank, died after a bomb hit his car.”

“Already in 2005, two of Putin’s closest colleagues, the oligarchs Vladimir Yakunin and Konstantin Malofeyev, had begun setting up the organizations that would promote an “alternative” to democracy and integration all across Europe. With the help of intermediaries and friendly companies, and more recently with the assistance of troll farms and online disinformation operations, they promoted a whole network of think tanks and fake “experts.” Sometimes they aided existing political parties—the National Front in France, for example, and the Northern League in Italy—and sometimes they helped create new ones, such as the far-right Alternative for Germany. The most important funder of the British Brexit campaign had odd Russian contacts. So did some cabinet ministers in Poland’s supposedly anti-Russian, hard-right government, elected after a campaign marked by online disinformation in 2015.”

“The hard truth is that Trump was not exceptional. He was just another amoral Western businessman, one of many whom the ex-KGB elite have promoted and sponsored around the world, with the hope that they might eventually be of some political or commercial use.”

Daran sieht man, wie heuchlerisch es ist, wenn gerade Russland vom Westen verlangt, sich aus innerrussischen Angelegenheiten rauszuhalten. Dabei mischt sich Russland in großem Stil und mit sehr viel Geld seit Jahrzehnten in Westliche, Europäische und Deutsche Angelegenheiten ein. Und wir schauen einfach nur zu oder im schlimmsten Fall lassen uns von Putins gestohlenem Geld korrumpieren. Das muß endlich ein Ende haben. Harte Sanktionen gegen die russische Regierung und Oligarchen jetzt. Und harte Sanktionen gegen alle Firmen und Personen im Westen die trotzdem noch mit ihnen Geschäfte machen wollen. Die KGB-Mafia mit und um Putin muß endlich trockengelegt werden. Putinism esse delendam!


A KGB Man to the End

The origins of Putin’s worldview—and the rise of Russia’s new ruling class

